Wednesday 30 September 2015

This week in Class 1

In Class 1 this week, we have been learning to be reciprocal like our puppet Collaborative Clive. We are learning to use a timer to help take turns on the ride-on toys and we have had some great work at tidy up time.

In Maths, we recorded the laps that we did on our 'race track' and counted the marks that we made. 

In our Funky Fingers session, we were learning to use a firm, tripod or 'bird' grip. We listened to Funky music as we did different activities to strengthen our fingers.

Here we are in the Class 1 garden having our photo taken for the Eastern Daily 
Press. We might be in the paper very soon!

Early days in Class1

Class 1 - Welcome to Bressingham!

Dear children and families of Class 1,

We have had a busy time since the children started here at Bressingham Primary School!  Everyone has settled in brilliantly and it is lovely to see how well they are doing.

Here are some photographs to give you all an idea of what school life has involved so far.

First lunchtime in the hall...and Mr King joined in too!

Assembly for the first time.  All the children sat and listened beautifully.

Class 1 won the attendance award as all our children were in school every day.  Freddy was our special person that day, so he collected the award from Mr King.

And this is Class 1 showing off the Attendance Trophy!  Also in the picture is the Star of the Week which was awarded to the whole class for settling in so well.

This week we have been reading and writing the sounds s and a.

We have based our learning this week on The Gruffalo, working on re-telling the story using props such as masks.

This is the first PE lesson!  Here the children were balancing bean bags whilst moving.

Our Star of the Week today was Amelia T for superb writing of her s sounds!

This week we have also been looking at familiar signs at school and home.  We are counting lots of different objects and collections as part of our playful learning.

We have had a fantastic week with Class 1 and we hope that you all have a lovely weekend.

Thank you,

Emma Sullivan, Nicola Gordon and Jackie Fisher